Sunday Morning Service
We invite you to join us in person or online at 10:00am on Sunday morning for worship, biblical teaching, and fellowship with other followers of Christ.
Junior ChurchWhen: Sunday mornings at 10:20am (mid-service)
Where: The Peoples Church Who: Ages 2 through grade 6 |
Moms & TotsWhen: Tuesdays mornings from 9:30am-11:00am
Where: The Peoples Church Who: Moms with kids under 5 |
College & CareerWhen: Wednesday nights at 7:00pm
Where: Valley Elementary School Who: Ages 18-25 |
Youth GroupWhen: Thursday nights at 6:30pm
Where: The Peoples Church Who: Grades 7-12 |
adults 25-50Adults (ages 25-50) plan special events
to get together for fellowship. Please contact the church at 902-893-9312 to find out what the next event will be. |
Small Group BIBLE STUDYFor information call the church at 902-893-9312
Hymn Sing |
GriefShare |
When: Second Wednesday of the month at 11:00am
Where: The Peoples Church Who: All are welcome! |
When: Starts January 15, 2025 at 7:00pm
Where: The Peoples Church For more information call the church at 902-893-9312 |